Blood Pressure: Blood pressure levels outside the healthy norm should be monitored, optimally prevented or knowingly modified through progressive and practical solutions. Come meet our Agape Pharmacy Professionals today and let’s get there together.

Frequent Blood Pressure checks are something that should be carried out by the patient’s pharmacy professional and never overlooked. Hypertension, or simply referred to as “high blood pressure”, is a main risk factor associated with kidney failure, heart disease and stroke, among other debilitating conditions. Any slight changes to one’s blood pressure can have a negative and lasting impact on both their quality of life and the number of years presumably left to live.

Agape Pharmacy continually strives towards ensuring its patients are as healthy as possible and proactive in preventing any potential dangers that might detriment them down the road.

Call us at (647) 344-3153 to book you appointment today!


Blood pressure readings will be recorded and available for all patients in print form as well as being stored in Agape Pharmacy’s database. Our team of professionals will appropriately act on informed decisions in making the necessary changes regarding patient medication, their suggested lifestyle with both diet and exercise, and the patient’s overall outlook on their own health.

Your home for a healthier life.

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