Meds-Check: A one-on-one interview between the patient and one of our dedicated Agape Pharmacy professionals is scheduled throughout the year, which offers stability, further knowledge and comfort to the patient from our side, while also equipping them with the best tools and proper perspective towards continually striving for – and living – that healthy lifestyle of their dreams.
One of the ways in which our patients see and feel how Agape Pharmacy is unique with its approach is through the MedsCheck program. What this entails is a single member of our team of pharmacists taking an appropriate amount of time and making a solid effort in meeting with the patient in question and conducting a thorough one-on-one interview. During this time, a review of both the patient’s prescription and non-prescription medications will take place, which would in turn help improve the patient’s comfort, understanding, and subsequent proper execution, of their medication therapy.
Call us at (647) 344-3153 to book you appointment today!
Taking the medications the right way leads to maximizing their intended benefits and results in optimal patient improvement. This improvement often correlates to an increase in the patient’s overall disposition and the Agape Pharmacy staff’s level of satisfaction as professionals and people – because we smile when you smile.